Fire Rescue First Response provide the following Unit Standards in Emergency Risk Management.
Fire Rescue and First Response Ltd are a MCDEM approved Emergency Management ACE funded training provider.
Workplace Emergency Risk Management – Level 2
Take preventative measures against emergencies in the workplace
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Identify potential workplace emergency hazards and risks, and take corrective action
Record and report hazards and risks that may cause an emergency or hinder an emergency response
Demonstrate knowledge of the Coordinated Incident Management System (CIMS)
People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of:
Roles and principles in CIMS
Functions, structure, and terms used in the CIMS framework
Workplace Emergency Risk Management – Level 4
Conduct non-technical workplace audits on emergency equipment and systems
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Conduct audits of workplace emergency equipment and systems to systematically identify compliance
Report and record on audits of emergency equipment and systems
Manage workplace emergency prevention processes
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Inspect and report on emergency prevention processes
Manage the performance of fixed fire and emergency protection equipment and installations
Coordinate workplace emergency protection activities
People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of:
Plan protection activities of workplace emergency protection systems
Conduct remedial inspections of workplace emergency protection systems
Communicate workplace emergency protection system disruptions
Analyse the fundamentals of human behaviour in fire conditions
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Determine fire cue identifications
Analyse the range of probable human responses to fire cues
Describe the actions of self-preservation and social interaction in life threatening situations and situations of critical stress
Describe the roles and functions of a CIMS Incident Management Team (IMT) at an incident
People credited with this unit standard are able to describe:
The interrelated functions of the coordinated incident management system (CIMS) model
The incident controller’s responsibilities at an incident
The role and function of the operations manager, the planning/intelligence manager, and the logistics manager at an incident
Demonstrate knowledge of CIMS related roles and Action Plan process in an incident
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of the interrelated functions of the CIMS model in an incident
Demonstrate knowledge of Control function responsibilities in an incident
Describe other Incident Management Team (IMT) function manager roles in an incident
Demonstrate knowledge of the Action Plan process in an incident
Demonstrate situational awareness, action planning, and
communication skills in an incident within a CIMS framework
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Gain and convey situational awareness in an incident
Produce and update an Action Plan in an incident
Demonstrate appropriate communication skills in an incident
Demonstrate knowledge of the Action Plan process in an incident
Workplace Emergency Risk Management – Level 5
Perform the planning/intelligence function in an Incident Management Team (IMT)
People credited with this unit standard are able to :
Plan the intelligence response and prepare an initial situation report for an incident
Implement incident action planning process at an incident; maintain an incident action plan (IAP)
Manage the planning/intelligence units in response to the incident requirements
Develop and implement the demobilisation plan for the conclusion of an incident
Perform the operations management function in an Incident Management Team (IMT)
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Plan the operations tactical response for an incident
Communicate objectives and allocate tasks in accordance with the incident action plan (IAP)
Manage and supervise operations at an incident
Manage post-response activities
Perform the operations management function in an Incident Management Team (IMT)
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Plan the logistics response for an incident
Manage logistics resource requirements and tasks at an incident
Demonstrate knowledge of the Action Plan process in an incident
Maintain the logistics support units of an IMT
Manage demobilisation of the logistics support units and conclude logistics coordination activities
Workplace Emergency Risk Management – Level 6
Develop a Workplace Emergency Management Plan
People credited with this unit standard are able to :
Develop the purpose, strategies, and goals for organisational workplace emergency management planning
Establish workplace emergency management planning focus group(s) and enlist specialist advice
Establish critical success factors and identify risks in workplace emergency management planning
Write a Workplace Emergency Management Plan
Present the Workplace Emergency Management Plan for organisational approval and manage its integration with policy and planning
Manage an Incident Management Team (IMT) response
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Conduct an assessment of the incident
Establish an IMT and control systems in response to the nature of the incident
Initiate and approve an incident action plan (IAP)
Manage an IMT
Manage post-incident activities
Control and Co-ordinate a multi-incident response
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Analyse the multi-incident situation
Identify, evaluate, and select coordinated strategies in response to the incidents
Establish and maintain coordination measures
Manage post-incident operational response coordination activities
To Order Now, Call:
Fire Rescue and First Response
Tel: 0508 FYRBOS (0508 397 267)
Tel: +64 (0)21 934695
Postal address:
PO Box 308116
Manly, Auckland 0952
New Zealand