Confined Space training courses are necessary for supervisors, stand-by-person, workers entering confined spaces as well as rescue personnel
A confined space is:
Any area that is not intended for human occupancy
Has limited access
Has the potential to contain a toxic or oxygen deficient atmosphere
When entering a confined space you must be able to operate an Atmospheric Testing Device to determine whether a suitable atmosphere exists to work safely.
The Training program will include the following DOL requirements:
Hazards of Confined spaces
Assessment procedures
Control measures
Emergency procedures
Selection, use, fitting and maintenance of safety equipment.
Our confined space training courses meet the requirements of these unit standards…

Plan a Confined Space Entry
This unit standard is for experienced people who are required to work safely in confined spaces.
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Identify hazards and controls within confined spaces
Develop an emergency procedure plan for a confined space
Complete documentation required for confined space entry

Demonstrate knowledge of hazards associated with confined space
This unit standard is for people working in confined spaces.
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of confined spaces, and their permit notification and implementation requirements
Identify control measures to eliminate, isolate, and minimise the risk of hazards in confined spaces
Demonstrate knowledge of monitoring and confined space testing requirements
Describe the responsibilities and duties of people entering confined spaces or conducting observation duties for confined spaces.

Operate an atmospheric testing device to determine a suitable atmosphere exists to work safely
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of atmospheric testing in potentially hazardous environments
Conduct atmospheric tests
Interpret and respond to atmospheric testing results
Full Course:
17599, 18426 and 25510 Unit Standards – a 2 day course
(including a practical session)
Refresher Course:
Refreshers are required every Two Years and are a 1 day course.
The 1 day course covers Unit Standard 18426 if there is no previous course history.
To Order Now, Call:
Fire Rescue and First Response
Tel: 0508 FYRBOS (0508 397 267)
Tel: +64 (0)21 934695
Postal address:
PO Box 308116
Manly, Auckland 0952
New Zealand