We regularily have clients come to us asking how often they need to re-sit qualification assessments to keep up with their NZQA requirements. This can be tricky, especially with large organisations who have different groups needing different qualifications, new staff coming in and old staff leaving.
The task mainly falls to the HR Officer or the Training Manager to keep tabs on. However, if you are a smaller company there are some simple things you can do to reduce the pain points – lets face it, it’s a time consuming necessity of being in business.
First work out what is required by law. You can check directly yourself. All good training providers will be able to let you know what the latest requirements are. Give them a call, tell them your industry and they will let you know.
Then work out which ones are a one off requirement, these are Unit Standards that never ‘expire’. Once you have it, it remains valid for ever. You can get your teams certified, tick it off their training schedule and be done with it.
The remaining unit standards will be the qualifications your team members need to have that must be renewed. Generally renewal occurs every year or every second year. Once your team members are qualified, set a reminder in their files and your calendar a few months before it is due so that you have some time to organise a date when the staff member and the training provider can fit it in. If it is a qualification where workers need an ID card, like Working at Heights for example, the expiry date will be listed on the card. Point this out to your staff so they can also be assured they are still operating legally.
If you have a new staff member come on board have them provide you with their NZQA record of learning. This shows the units they have achieved and when they achieved them. You can use this information to see what they still need and how often it needs to be renewed.
One last thought, if you have any doubts about the competency of a staff member, send them on a ‘refresher’ this is safer and potentially cheaper than having an accident in the workplace or risking the safety of other staff.
We here at Fire Rescue First Response are favourites in the training world for all things safety, give us a no obligation call if you have questions about qualification requirements.
Katy Amkreutz
Administrator – Fire Rescue and First Response Ltd
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