"We are all very passionate about our craft and simply want to make a positive difference."
We offer the following unit standard training.
If you don’t see what you are looking for here, contact us – we still will most likely be able to provide the training you require.
These are the Unit Standards required by both Urban and Rural fire fighters that attend rural fires in New Zealand and Australian fires fighting and safety.
“The trainer was excellent and provided relevant, real world examples. The course was not box ticking and we considered numerous instances of left field issues during our simulations. “
“Have had some excellent feedback from the team re Fridays course, a pleasure as always.”
“Would just like to thank you all for being able to accommodate our late request to have the course. The guys were commenting that your courses are the best they have ever done, so thank you.”
“As always your team is fast, efficient and “on the mark” thank you.”
Vegetation / Rural Fire Fighting – Level 2

Operate light portable pumps in a vegetation fire environment
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Prepare a pump site
Set up a light portable pump
Operate a light portable pump in a vegetation fire situation
Recommission a light portable pump after use
Restore a pump site
Vegetation / Rural Fire Fighting – Level 3

Use maps to locate and plan a navigation route to a vegetation fire
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of navigational tools used by a fire and rescue service provider
Identify and report a location using maps
Select a route for navigation to a vegetation fire

Demonstrate knowledge of legislated responsibilities of Rural Fire Officers and a Rural Fire Authority
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of legislated responsibilities of a Rural Fire Officer (RFO)
Demonstrate knowledge of legislated responsibilities of a Rural Fire Authority (RFA)

Demonstrate knowledge of protection of personal safety at vegetation fires
People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of:
Elements of vegetation fire behaviour
Vegetation fire suppression strategies
Attendance to personal safety on the incident ground
Safe practices when working at vegetation fires

Control vegetation fires using dry fire fighting techniques
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of the use of hand tools when fighting vegetation fires
Construct a fire line when fighting vegetation fires
Demonstrate knowledge of mop-up and patrol following a vegetation fire

Suppress vegetation fires with water and with water with additives
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of the types and use of waterway equipment to fight vegetation fires
Demonstrate operation of a fire hose in a vegetation fire setting
Relocate hose line
Demonstrate safe mopping up procedures

Load water and additives for aerial operations at vegetation fires
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of safe practices when loading aircraft with water and additives
Work as part of a crew to set up a site for aircraft loading and filling operations
Fill helicopter buckets or fixed wing hoppers with water and additives to safe load levels

Carry out hand-operated ignition at prescribed vegetation burning operations
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of vegetation burning operations
Light up vegetative fuels at a prescribed vegetation burning operation
Vegetation / Rural Fire Fighting – Level 4

Apply Fire Weather Index System data for fire reduction and readiness
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of the Fire Weather Index (FWI) System
Demonstrate knowledge of the FWI tables and their use
Select fire reduction and readiness measures

Demonstrate knowledge of the fire environment on vegetation fire behaviour
People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of:
Vegetation fires
The effects of topography on vegetation fire behaviour
The effects of fuels on vegetation fire behaviour
Effects of weather on vegetation fire behaviour
The combined effects of fire environment factors on vegetation fire behaviour

Issue fire permits
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of legislation and Rural Fire Authority (RFA) policy on the issue of fire permits
Demonstrate knowledge of assessing fire danger and issuing fire permits
Issue fire permits

Lead a vegetation fire crew
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of incident ground management for leading a crew at a vegetation fire
Explain crew mobilisation procedures in the event of a vegetation fire
Implement assigned work, and allocate tasks at a vegetation fire
Supervise a crew at a vegetation fire
Complete recording and reporting procedures following a vegetation fire

Lead heavy machinery operations for use at vegetation fires
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of heavy machinery used in vegetation fire fighting
Plan heavy machinery fire fighting operations
Lead heavy machinery operations at vegetation fires

Lead ground support for air operations at vegetation fires
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of aircraft requirements in relation to vegetation fire fighting
Choose landing sites for fixed and rotary wing aircraft
Lead ground support operations at vegetation fires

Lead a prescribed vegetation burning operation crew
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of vegetation burning equipment
Demonstrate knowledge of lighting-up patterns and ignition techniques
Supervise a lighting-up crew
Assess environment and fire behaviour during lighting-up operations
Communicate during a vegetation burning operation

Provide vegetation fire support services
People credited with this unit standard are able to, during a vegetation fire incident:
Provide support services
Communicate and action requests
Maintain records
Vegetation / Rural Fire Fighting – Level 5

Investigate origin and cause of vegetation fires
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of fire determination procedures and responsibilities
Collect and preserve evidence for the determination of the origin and cause of a vegetation fire
Determine area of origin and probable cause of a vegetation fire
Report on a vegetation fire investigation

Supervise aerial fire suppression operations at vegetation fires
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Plan aerial fire suppression strategy and tactics for vegetation fire fighting operations
Direct aerial fire suppression operations for vegetation fire fighting operations
Monitor and communicate the effectiveness of aerial fire suppression operations for vegetation fire fighting operations

Manage ground operations at vegetation fires
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of health and safety obligations at incidents
Plan and implement ground-based fire suppression strategies and tactics at a vegetation fire
Monitor progress of fire behaviour and ground-based suppression operations
Liaise and report during a vegetation fire

Demonstrate knowledge of the fire environment on vegetation fire behaviour
People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of:
Legislation and organisational policies relevant to a Rural Fire Authority (RFA)
Documentation requirements of an RFA
Fire Plans

Exercise initial response, command, and control for vegetation fire operations
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of the initial command controller’s obligations to health and safety at vegetation fire incidents
Demonstrate knowledge of initial response, command, and resource mobilisation at a vegetation fire incident
Size up the situation and develop an initial IAP
Implement initial IAP
Complete recording and reporting procedures

Manage prescribed vegetation burning operations
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of light-up patterns for prescribed burning operations
Plan for prescribed burn of vegetation
Prepare for prescribed burn of vegetation
Manage implementation of vegetation burn plan

Assess threat from vegetation fire
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of vegetation fire threat analysis
Assess and evaluate threats from vegetation fire
Devise strategies to mitigate threat from vegetation fire

Demonstrate knowledge of vegetation fire behaviour
People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of:
The vegetation fire environment
New Zealand weather that affects vegetation fire
Fire science that relates to vegetation fire behaviour
Fire behaviour information for fire pre-suppression and suppression planning
Principles of extreme fire behaviour
Documentation of wildfire behaviour and suppression effectiveness
Vegetation / Rural Fire Fighting – Level 6

Manage air operations at vegetation fires
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Plan and implement air-based vegetation fire suppression strategies
Monitor fire behaviour and manage aerial operations for vegetation fire fighting operations
Liaise and report aerial operations for vegetation fire fighting operations

Command vegetation fire incidents
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Develop an incident action plan (IAP) for vegetation fire incidents
Implement the incident action plan for vegetation fire incidents
Re-evaluate IAP
Manage communications and reporting during vegetation fire incidents

Apply knowledge of vegetation fire behaviour for fire management
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Explain principles of fire weather and meteorology
Predict vegetation fire behaviour for fire management
Provide fire behaviour information for the development of presuppression plans
Provide fire behaviour information for the development of fire suppression strategies and tactics for given rural fire scenarios
Explain characteristics of fire behaviour for rural and urban interface areas

Carry out planning activities at rural fire operations
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of the requirements of a planning team
Compile a situation analysis for rural fire operations
Participate in the development of an incident action plan (IAP) for rural fire operations
Plan for the management of current and anticipated resources for a rural fire incident
Gather, record and disseminate incident information
Organise and coordinate fire briefings
Develop an incident demobilisation plan
To Order Now, Call:
Fire Rescue and First Response
Tel: 0508 FYRBOS (0508 397 267)
Tel: +64 (0)21 934695
Postal address:
PO Box 308116
Manly, Auckland 0952
New Zealand